Knowledge Hub

Quickly learn how to use nGaje. All you need to know is held here in this easy-to-use eLearning Library. Just click and learn.


View a range of comprehensive Video presentations about the various nGaje modules

About Us

How we work.
Listening to your workers.

Ten Things...

Ten things you may not know about nGaje.

Getting Started

Getting Started.
How to get 'Engaged' - Administrator.
How to get 'Engaged' - Employee, Manager, Supervisor, Director.
Importing employee information via CSV.
How to get the most from your Free nGaje Training.
Access Level - Know the Level.

Surveys and Polls

How to create, manage and access your Surveys and Polls.
How to get the most out of your Surveys and Polls.
How to create a Site and Supplier Survey or Poll.
How to append your Survey or Poll to a Supplier Survey or Poll.
How to use a Survey or Poll to broadcast Newsletters.
Ten things you maybe didn't know about Surveys and Polls.
Adding Files to Surveys and Polls.

Performance Management

How to create and manage performance using Objectives.

Learning & Development

An introduction to Learning & Development.
How to create Training Programs.
How to Sign Off Training Programs.
The 3P's - Plan > Program > Progress.


Digitise your employee recognition system with Superstar.


Discover how connected your employees are to your business.


Everything you need to know about Kiosks.


Helping employers identify and address risks of modern slavery within their business and supply chains
Ajutând angajatorii să identifice și să abordeze riscurile sclaviei moderne în afacerile și lanțurile lor de aprovizionare
Допоможіть роботодавцям визначити та подолати ризики сучасного рабствав межах свого бізнесу та ланцюгів поставок
આધુનિક ગુલામીના ચિહ્નો વિશે કર્મચારી જાગૃતિ વધારવી
Повишаване на осведомеността на работницитеза признаците на трудова експлоатация

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